Leading a Creative Brainstorming Meeting at Church

Create a Planning team of volunteers and key staff:

I am privileged to work with a group of incredibly talented creative people here at North Ridge. Every six weeks or so, we gather together and work through creative brainstorming session for the sermon series or special event such as Easter, Advent, etc.

The process:

A few days before the meeting I send the team an email with a brief synopsis. At the beginning of the meeting I set these categories out in Post, it notes to help guide ideas. The pastors then give us the given week’s topic and we then give everyone about 10-15 minutes or so to brainstorm.

The Pitch:

Then we each take a turn with our own post-it notes briefly explaining our ideas. Then everyone votes on their favorite ideas. The ideas with the most votes are the ones considered by the worship team to implement. A note here, that I make the final decisions on what ideas we green light.

Here is a list of idea categories we use:

Liturgy and Prayer
Set Design
Movie Clips
Cover Songs
Xtra Sensory

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