The first two days of recording were more like rehearsals. The band spent hours working out parts, tones, and song arrangements. Here’s just a quick look at what went on:
This video is Danny Ortega (guitar) and I working out parts for the hymn, “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus.”
Treehouse Studios
Danny Ortega's jaw-dropping guitar parts, make many of the moments in the songs happen.
For guitarists, Danny Ortega's choice pedal board
Robert Payne and Dan Tomlison discussing drum grooves. Or discussing the true location of the studio parking lot.
The master at work.
Another master, Bassist Eric Borgen, Producer Rocky Searan, and Robert working on the song, "The Artist"
The song charts on an Ipad.
Eric, working out parts.
Rocky with his new Korg Kronos keyboard working out final song arrangements
I like how Elvis makes a guest appearance in the video! 🙂
LOL, he’s everywhere….
Always good to have the king on your side.
no question!